- Disponibilitate:
- Cod produs: BS1869
- SKU: BS1869
Material: Aluminiu + Plastic
Producator: BIALETTI
Capacitate: 2 cesti - 100 ml
Inaltime: 14,5 cm - diametru 7,5 cm
Nr. Buc/set: 1
Se poate spala manual, dar spalarea in masina de spalat vase nu este recomandat!
Disponibilitate: In stoc
Bialetti Moka Express 2tz
Moka Express is the most classic model made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. This is the coffee pot that made the Italian manufacturer famous in 1930s. To this day it is the most popular moka model in the world, as more than 200 million pots have been produced so far. Bialetti Moka Express 2tz model is used to brew 2 cups of espresso at a time. The total capacity is 100ml.
Product description
To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes!
• Design:
This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. The classic body, unchanged for decades, will make an original element of every kitchen. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. Made in Italy.
• Use:
Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat.
Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe.
Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer.
• How does moka work?
The coffee maker constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
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