HARIO Coffee Dripper V60 01 Clear Dripper Hario V60 din plastic, pentru 1, 2 cesti de cafea. Material - Plastic Livrare in 2-5 zile lucratoare. Hario V60 Plastic Coffee Dripper 01 Clear - Brew Coffee The Way You Like It No matter what is you..
Loveramics Brewers - Dripper Stand - Brass Funcționează cu picurătoarele de cafea de la terțe părți, de ex: picurătoare Origami, corp de picurare Hario Glass Dripping. Se preferă dimensiunea 02. Conceput pentru a funcționa cu picurătoarele de cafea Loveramics' Brewer's Coffee Drip..
Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Dusty Pink) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Dusty Pink) is compatible with size 02 coffee filter papers.Additional Inform..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - GreenLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Green) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Green) is compatible with size 02 coffe..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - OrangeLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Orange) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Orange) is compatible with size 02 co..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - PinkLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Pink) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Pink) is compatible with size 02 coffee f..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - SandLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Sand) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Sand) is compatible with size 02 coffee f..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - TaupeLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Taupe) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Taupe) is compatible with size 02 coffe..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - WhiteLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (White) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (White) is compatible with size 02 coffe..
Loveramics Brewers - Smooth Dripper - YellowLoveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Yellow) is a ceramic coffee dripper designed by Simon Stevens, an award winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design.Loveramics Brewers Coffee Dripper Smooth (Yellow) is compatible with size 02 co..
HARIO Coffee Dripper Ceramic V60 TIP-01 White Dripper Hario V60 din ceramica, pentru 1- 2 cesti de cafea. Material - Ceramica Livrare in 2-5 zile lucratoare. Ceramic Hario V60 Coffee Dripper 01 Size Kick start your drip coffee experience by making..
HARIO Coffee Dripper PLASTIC V60 TIP-01 White Dripper Hario V60 din plastic, pentru 1- 2 cesti de cafea. Material - Plastic ( alb ) Disponibilitate: in stoc..
Hario V60 Glass Drip 01 - WhiteDimensiune: V60-01Culoare: albMaterial: sticlă și plastic luciosDescriere produsDoriți să începeți cu metode alternative de preparare a cafelei, dar nu știți ce să alegeți? Hario V-60 Dripper este exact pentru tine! Acest gadget japonez vă permite să profitați la maxim..
HARIO Coffee Dripper Glass V60 TIP-02 Olive Wood Holder Brew like a pro barista cu acest V60 frumos din lemn de măsline. Produsul se aduce doar la comanda ! Termenul de livrare 4-6 zile lucratoare, in functie de disponibilitate la furnizor ! ..
Hario V60-02 - Ceramic Coffee Dripper - Matt BlackDripper Hario V60 din ceramica, pentru 1- 4 cesti de cafea.Material - Ceramica Ceramic Hario V60 Coffee Dripper 02 SizeKick start your drip coffee experience by making yourself a fabulous cup of coffee in the morning or evenin..
Hario V60 Dripper & Pot WhiteUn set de început excelent pentru prepararea cafelei de la Hario, care include picurătorul ceramic V60-02, un server de sticlă cu o capacitate de 600 ml, 100 de filtre și o lingură pentru boabe de cafea.Acest set este un cadou perfect pentru orice persoană interesată..
Hario V60 Drip Decanter is for those who love to brew coffee with V60 accessories but also appreciate Chemex.Capacitate: 700 ml.Disponibilitate: In stoc..
Origami Ceramic Dripper S ORIGAMI coffee dripper, with deep vertical groves and vivid coloring. "Origami" - ORI means "folding" and G(K)AMI means "paper". Origiami is a Japanese art of paper folding. This beautiful ORIGAMI Dripper is inspired by the spirit of the playfully colorful, crea..
Mr. Clever dripper is a full-immersion brewing device, it combines the best features of French Press and filter drip brewing, eliminating the drawbacks of each. By adding a stopper to a filtercone, the Clever Coffee Dripper combines control over steeping time with a sediment free cup. Inc..
Hario - Immersion Switch Coffee Dripper + filtersCând vorbim despre metode alternative de preparare a cafelei nu putem ignora Hario , care este o companie cunoscută pe scară largă care proiectează accesorii pentru cafea. Multe dintre produsele sale și-au găsit definitiv locul în lumea cafelei, așa c..
Hario Immersion Switch Coffee Dripper Server SetDisponibilitate: in stocMetoda de imersie, caracteristică pentru French Press și Siphon, conferă cafelei aroma sa profundă, în timp ce metoda pour-over păstrează curățenia acesteia.Acest dispozitiv permite repetabilitatea în prepararea cafelei. De fiec..
Clever Dripper L - Apple Green + 100 Paper filters - 500ml Clever Dripper este un aparat de cafea din tritan care combină caracteristicile unui picurător și ale unei prese franceze. Se deosebește de picuratorul clasic prin mecanismul care vă permite să controlați timpul de preparare. Clev..
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