- Disponibilitate:
- Cod produs: BS6305
- SKU: BS6305
DF64 - 2023 - GEN 2 -
Cea mai recentă versiune a DF64 2023, râșnița de cafea ( single dose ) este foarte puternică în ciuda dimensiunilor sale mici. Această râșniță este potrivită atât pentru uz casnic.
DF64 are o cantitate minimă de retentie.
În rasnita este montată cutite de 64 mm cu acoperire Blackline DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon). Pentru upgrade exista cutite SSP ( cu profile de Espresso, Multi Purpose, Sweet, si Brewing )
Reglare fără trepte. Reglare fără gradație cu cadran mare, reglaj fin și grosier.
Capacitatea hopperului de boabe: 50 de grame
Greutate: 7 kg
Putere: 230V-300W 1400 rpm
Dimensiune: 225*130*300mm
Corp din aluminiu anodizat.
Garantie: 24 luni.
Livrare: in 24/48H prin curierat RAPID!
We are thrilled to present the next evolution in coffee grinding technology - the DF64 Gen 2. Replacing its esteemed and proven predecessor, the Gen 2 takes coffee grinding to new heights with a host of updates and innovative features that promise to elevate your coffee brewing experience.
Crafted with passion and expertise, the DF64 Gen 2 embodies the perfect fusion of form and function. Building upon the success of the original model, this new version boasts a plethora of enhancements designed to redefine what a coffee grinder can achieve. Among the most notable improvements is the introduction of a cutting-edge plasma generator, specially engineered to tackle the notorious issue of static build-up during the grinding process.
The plasma generator works its magic, significantly reducing static electricity, allowing for smoother and more consistent grinding. Say goodbye to clumping and uneven particle distribution, as the DF64 Gen 2 ensures your coffee grounds are precisely milled for a delightful and balanced extraction every time.
Durability and reliability remain at the core of the DF64 Gen 2's design. Engineered with top-tier materials and precision engineering, this grinder is built to withstand the rigors of daily use and provide years of exceptional performance.
The DF64 Gen 2 is a low retention grinder. Low retention in a coffee grinder refers to the ability of the grinder to minimize the amount of ground coffee that remains trapped or stuck within the grinding chamber, chute, or other internal components after the grinding process is complete. Retention can lead to stale coffee grounds mixing with freshly ground coffee, resulting in inconsistent flavor profiles and reduced overall brewing quality. With traditional grinders this retained coffee either ends up in the next day’s shot, or users have to purge this amount and discard for optimal flavor. With single dosing and the use of bellows, the amount that is retained in DF64 is usually a percentage of a gram.
The design of the DF64 Gen 2 is very straightforward and has minimalistic features that prevent points of failure from unneeded parts and features. With fewer parts, especially electronic parts, there are fewer points of failure.
With our coffee grinder's heavy-duty metal construction, you can rest assured that every grinding session is met with consistency, reliability, and unparalleled performance. Whether you're grinding for espresso, pour-over, or any other brewing method, this grinder is built to handle it all, and more, making it a truly indispensable tool for all coffee aficionados. Embrace the strength and precision of our heavy-duty metal coffee grinder and elevate your coffee experience to new heights.
The DF64 Gen 2 is offered in both black and white. The collar of the grinder is a machined/polished aluminum.
The latest burrs from offer the ability to grind both espresso and drip. The stainless steel burrs come as the stock burr option. Offers an option to upgrade to DLC coated burrs with the same burr geometry.
Additional offerings from SSP such as the High Uniformity (HU) burrs are fantastic for a more dedicated espresso burr. SSP High Uniformity burrs are good for providing high mouthfeel, intense shots, balanced flavors with some floral / fruity flavors.
Similarly the Multi Purpose (MP or Unimodal) burrs from SSP offer a high clarity which can really bring out the intense flavors in both espresso and pour over methods.
The DF64 Gen 2 is a stepless adjustment grinder with an infinite number of settings between the highest and lowest settings on the grinder. This allows the user to fine tune the grind size to precisely the best grind size for each given coffee. The adjustment dial has labels for different types of coffees to make it easier to find the correct grind size, but those are for reference only and the grind size for every coffee bean can be fine tuned to both the individual bean attributes as well as the brew method.
When you compare the DF64 Gen 2 to other grinders in it’s price range it is very difficult to find anything that has as good build quality, as low retention, as sturdily built and that provides as high quality grinds as the DF64 Gen 2. Even when compared with much higher priced grinders that are $1000 or more, it competes very well in the grind quality category. It really does punch a few notches above it’s price point. In our opinion, it is the best valued grinder on the market in it’s price range – even as high as twice it’s price range.
The DF64 Gen 2 provides consistent grinds for a range of coffees, including: espresso, pour over, v60, siphon, cold brew, French press, drip and more.
There are numerous 3D printed and other modifications out there that people have made for the DF64. We sell two of those, the dial indicator (makes it easier to see the grind size you are on) and the tilted cup holder (brings the cup closer to the grounds chute to prevent coffee grounds from falling out of the cup).
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