Accesoriu Piure Pentru Robot Prelucrare Legume CL50 - Robot Coupe Detalii Accesoriu piure pentru Robot taiat legume CL50 Accesoriu pentru piure. Capabil sa produca pana la 10 kg de piure in 2 minute. Compus din: cuva cu grila de 3 mm, paleta si disc expulzor. Compatibil cu robotul de le..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL40 - Robot Coupe Compact tabletop model, easy to clean and store even in the smallest kitchens. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, cut into wavy slices, julienne, mixed and fries. Detalii Robot profesional de taiat legume..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL50 - Robot Coupe Our most popular, robust, efficient, easy to clean and store table top model offering the widest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, cut into wavy slices, julienne, mixed and fries and even mash. Detalii &n..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL50 Gourmet - Robot Coupe The best choice for quality cuts and unlimited creativity. Saving several hours of manual labor a day: slicing, grating, slicing wavy, julienne, macedonia and fries, The CL 50 Gourmet performs all tasks to perfection, even the most delicate s..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL50 Ultra - Robot Coupe Our most popular, robust, efficient, easy to clean and store table top model offering the widest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, cut into wavy slices, julienne, mixed and fries and even mash. Detali..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL50 Ultra Pentru Pizza - Robot Coupe Our most popular, robust, efficient, easy to clean and store table top model offering the widest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, cut into wavy slices, julienne, mixed and fries and even m..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL52 - Robot Coupe This table model is designed to cut large quantities of fruits and vegetables in a minimum of time. Robust, efficient, easy to clean and store, it offers the greatest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, c..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL55 - 2 Capete alimentare - Robot Coupe This floor model is designed to cut very large quantities of fruits and vegetables in a minimum of time. Robust, efficient, easy to clean, it offers the greatest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labo..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL55 Pusher Feed Head - Robot Coupe This floor model is designed to cut very large quantities of fruits and vegetables in a minimum of time. Robust, efficient, easy to clean, it offers the greatest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: sli..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL60 - Robot Coupe This floor model is designed to cut very large quantities of fruits and vegetables in a minimum of time. Robust, efficient, easy to clean, it offers the greatest variety of cuts. Save several hours of manual labor a day: slice, grate, cut in..
Robot Prelucrare Legume CL60 Workstation - Robot Coupe To meet the new requirements of communities, Robot Coupe invents the Fresh Nutrition solution. Designed as a real global workstation, this unique concept brings together the vegetable cutter and all the accessories necessary to work very larg..
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